Sonntag, 26. September 2010


i'm sad, my canon eos 1000N is ultimately not working has a sticky shutter, which means that you still hear the typical mirror-claps-down sound when you press the release button but the shutter does not open, the film transports and you have: half black (as you can see in the last photo posted) or, worse, no photo. and you will only learn about this when you pick up the developed negatives and they're empty...
i really liked this camera because i could use all my lenses from the digital canon, with the analogue one turning some of them into fisheyes and being really easy to use - maybe i'll buy a new one, they're all just about 15-20 euro on ebay but most of them suffer from the shutter-disease, too...
so now, farewell with some of my favorite photos taken with the eos 1000.

Montag, 13. September 2010


yesterday we discovered that there's a forest just about 5 minutes from where our flat is - in the middle of the city! although it's right next to a big street, the air is incredible.
we went for a long walk, i took photos and my boyfriend tried to convince me that big bugs are cute - he almost did. i just wish i didn't wore a skirt. i have like a million mosquito bites - at least!
the pictures, part 1:

Dienstag, 7. September 2010


yippie! internet! in leipzig!
expect more regularly blogging from now on :)

as promised, here a some of the couple photos from the wedding shoot i already told you about. i will post more reportage-style ones later this week.